Click below to set up a Free Trial!
Each class consists of:
- Coach led warm-up and movement instruction
- Structured weightlifting
- Conditioning
- Cooldown
- Games
- Coach is present and teaching the kids throughout the entire hour
Location: 10 Mill Pond Drive, Granby CT 06035 (Next to the Granby Stop and Shop)
The CrossFit Kids Vision
To be the ultimate destination for kids to begin, develop and improve their physical fitness!
CrossFit Kids Values
Our entire facility strives for excellence, from coaching down to mopping the gym. The goal is not just to give the kids space to perform and move, but to do so with excellence. We will actively work to make sure your kids are moving to the best of their ability and giving the greatest effort possible to improve themselves and those around them.
At the end of the day we want the kids to enjoy themselves (while moving safely). By finding ways to make fitness fun, they will want to come back! This leads to greater gains in the gym and more lessons learned that they can carry into adulthood.
Hard Work
Hard work is one of the most important things to learn early on and fitness exemplifies this. If the want to lift heavier, move faster or learn new skills, they must understand that hard work is necessary. Nothing can be gained here without putting in work, and we want kids to understand that!
Class Schedule
Class Outline
-Group warm-up
-Daily lift
-Daily conditioning
-Group game
-All coach led and supervised
Coming Soon!
- Kids Murph! Saturday May 25th
- Family WOD, last Saturday of every month, starting February 24th!